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Narda Skov

Is Your Relationship Healthy?

Updated: Dec 4, 2024

With summer winding down, and most youth returning back to school and planning for the year ahead. Don't forget. to check in on your relationship. One of my favorite organizations, One Love, has some wonderful suggestions and reminders of signs so you can help your young people ensure that their relationship stays strong and supportive throughout the year.

1. Comfortable Pace

This is when the relationship moves at a speed that feels enjoyable for each person. When starting the new school year, it's important to get on the same page about how often you want to hang out and text. In a healthy relationship, your partner or friend will respect the pace you feel comfortable with. Whereas in an unhealthy relationship, they might pressure you to hang out all the time or respond to texts right away.

2. Independence

You have space to be yourself outside of the relationship. It's important to have your own friends and hobbies outside of your relationship. Whether it's soccer practice or drama club, you and your partner should encourage one another to pursue your passions. It's good to spend time doing your own thing and. a great time to sign up for extracurriculars!

3. Honesty & Trust

You can be truthful and candid without fearing how the other person will respond. In a healthy relationship, you'll feel like you can be honest with one another without things getting ugly. Also, you'll trust one another without needing validation or proof, like tracking locations or checking phones to make sure someone isn't cheating.

4. Taking Responsibility

Owning your own actions and words. In every relationship, bumps happen. What's important is that each person owns up to any wrongdoing and takes responsibility for the harm their actions may have caused. While you can't control what's talked about at school, resolving conflicts in this healthy way can help keep the drama. and rumors away.

Check out more of the signs of a Healthy Relationship and I encourage you to regularly check in with yourself, whether it is friends or something more romantic.If something feels off in a relationship or friendship, trust your gut. Empower yourself by learning about the 10 Signs of an Unhealthy Relationship and get help if you're in an unhealthy situation before it escalates.

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